There are a ton of good resources online—here are a few of our favorites.

Online Education

There’s no substitute for in-person education, but these online resources can be an excellent supplement to your learning.

Full Circle Kink

As well as in-person classes, Full Circle Kink has a large and growing library of free educational content and instructor resources.

Shibari Study

Shibari Study is a fantastic resource, with a huge amount of professionally shot video content. It’s not cheap, but it’s an excellent value.

Vetting tops and instructors

Rope Bottoms Share Group

If you’re a rope bottom, RBSG is a fantastic resource for sharing tips and vetting potential rope tops.


If you’re not on FetLife, you probably should be. It’s far from perfect, but it’s the single best place to connect with other bondage enthusiasts. Here are some good starting points:

Pan Eros Events on FetLife

Pan Eros has an excellent educational program spanning a wide range of kink and sexuality topics.

Seattle Rope Shenanigans on FetLife

Seattle Rope Shenanigans is the biggest and best of the Seattle FetLife groups, and the best way to stay in touch with what’s going on locally.

Seattle Workshops on FetLife

Seattle Workshops is a good source of information about all types of kink classes.

SubSpace on FetLife

SubSpace is the easiest way to keep track of what’s going on at SubSpace.

Online Resources

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